ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE- Generative AI- Artificial Intelligence Programming - Computer Vision and Speech Understanding - Intelligent Robot System - AI for loT Applications - Distributed Artificial Intelligence - AI Ethics,Privacy, Fairness and Security - AI for Sustainable Technlogies - AI and Open Learning ans Meta Learning - AI in Manufacturing Industry - AI in Logistics and Transportation - Text/Web/Internet mining - Natural Language Processing - Reinforcement Learning - Fuzzy Logic - Deep convolutional Neural network models - Natural Language Processing - Recommender Systems - Explainability AI - Knowledge Graph Engineering - Large Language Models (LLMs) - Unification of Knowledge Graphs LLMs - Meta learning - Stochastic optimization - Heuristic optimization techniques - Design Automation - Feature Extraction and Classification - Machine Learning Applications - Statistical Learning - Smart Systems and Applications - AI applications (climate changes, biology, neuroscience, medicine, cybersecurity) - Pre-trained and large AI models including LLMs |
DATA SCIENCE- Big Data Science and Foundations- Big Data Ecosystem - Big Data Management - Data Quality - Data Change Management - Accelerator of Big Data Applications - Energy Efficiency of Data driven Applications - Trust Management - Big Data Infrastructure - Big Data Security and Privacy - Big Data visualization - Big Data Search and Mining - Big Data Applications (Smart Cities, Enterprise and Government, Robotics, Healthcare, ...) - Big Data in Cloud and IoT - Information retrieval and extraction - Educational Technology System Architecture - Distributed and Parallel Processing - Image and Video Acquisition - Knowledge Management Technology - Security and Privacy for IoT Applications - Cognitive Systems and Applications - Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - Smart Cities Applications - Multi-Agent Systems - Game Theory - Bio-informatics - Molecular and Quantum Computing - Knowledge management - Computer Expert System - Intelligent Database Systems |
WEB SERVICES & CLOUD- Web services- Service oriented computing - Cloud services - Business process management - Crowd sourcing - Web Intelligence Applications & Search - Blockchain |
When submitting your paper, please consider the following:
1. generals Informations
- Submission must be original and should not been published previously or been under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference.
- If you would like to apply to submit a late paper due to special circumstances, then please email the Conference Chair. Late papers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- All papers are anonymously reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC) (i.e., authors are not aware of who the reviewers were).
- Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria: Relevance and timeliness, Technical content and scientific rigour, Novelty and originality, Quality of presentation and Overall Recommendation
- A notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors. The Organising Committee may only communicate with the author who submitted the paper, and not with all authors.
- Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in English, and formatted using Template Word, (.doc) and LaTeX2e Template, (.Zip)
- Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation assessed by at least three reviewers .
- Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, and one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the work.
- One Special Issue of international Journal dedicated to INTIS will be issued. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper (it needs to be sufficiently different than the conference counterpart, at least 1/3 of additional material, and the common part should not simply be a copy and paste of the INTIS paper).
2. Language
The language of the conference, and of all paper submissions, is English. If authors are concerned about the quality of their written English, we recommend engaging the services of a proofreader before submitting their paper(s).
3. Originality
Submissions to INTIS2024 must be original. The submission, or a highly similar version of it, cannot have been published or accepted in a journal or another conference proceedings. Further, submissions must not be concurrently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. Upon submission of a paper. The program chairs will run plagiarism checks prior to sending out submissions for review. Submissions that fail the check will be desk rejected without review..
4. Anonymizing of Papers for Blind Review
For initial submissions, authors name(s) must not appear in the body of the paper (including the abstract). Please note that if author names are revealed anywhere in the paper, they will be desk rejected outright without further review. Authors must eliminate references to their institutions and sponsors, as well as to their unpublished and published work, if these references reveal the identity of the author(s). Authors are asked to remove any personal information from document properties. To do this in MS Word, click on “Tools > Options” and then click on the Security tab. Under Privacy Options, select “Remove personal information from file properties on save.” (Panel proposals do not have to be made anonymous for review). The “Acknowledgements” section should be left blank until the final paper version is prepared for the conference proceedings.
Should you have any questions, please contact the chairs of the conference track you plan to submit your paper to, ideally before February 28, 2024 to ( .